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Extreme Baseball
Spore Hunter POP HALLOWEEN London Jigsaw Puzzle Mining Rush Rodeo Stampede Monkey Boots Dress Up Temple Run Holi Festival Moving Spheres Game Hop Stars Santa T-Rex Run Unblock The Ball Pole Vault Jump Math vs Bat Fish Love Game Collect Rings  Protect The Kingdom Water Connect Flow Crossy Chicken Shape Shift Run Pepperoni Gone Wild Spidey Swing Stickman Swing Retro Snake Wheel Duel Classic Tetrix How Smart Are You? Find Pair Draw Climber short cut pro Color Fill Game Сrossroads Jump Game Slidey Block Puzzle Superhero Memory Match Tile Master - Classic Match


Aim and release your baseball to knock out your opponents.Bounce the ball off the walls to cleverly knock out multiple enemies in one attempt.Collect baseball cards to increase your score.Features:- Tutorial to learn the ropes- Interact with multiple elements such as glass, wood boxes, TNTs, buttons, moving platforms and more.- Over 20 challenging levels- Baseball card collectors will love this- High tempo music
Speed Pinball Sweet Pony Dress up Flip The Knife Feed Pac Up Color Game Jail Breaker Stack the Crates Dumb Ways Jr Zany's Hospital Knife Hit Up Unblock Ball: Slide Puzzle Sticky Panda Stickying Over It with Panda Game realistic parking Block Stack Ball Paint 3D Wood Block Journey Chroma Challenge Push It 3D Unicorn Drink Maker-Summer Fun Gate Rusher Online Park Master Drift Three Lines Defend The Tank Let Us Pop Candy Blocks Sweet


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